Local initiatives

We are ‘Water and Much More’

Our commitment to Murcia

We are ‘Water and Much More’. Our solidarity projects are carried out with both environmental awareness and social responsibility in mind.

In 2017, we earmarked 390,771.20 euros for social actions. Added to this are the social and subsidised tariffs for less well-off families, which amount to 784,985.50 euros, making a total of 1,175,756.70 euros.

Actions benefiting the community

Scheme of the Actions benefiting the community


  • We like to stand out

    • Teaming. This is a voluntary initiative among employees, who each month donate a symbolic amount from their salary. Aguas de Murcia then doubles this amount, and each year it is given to one of the associations in the region that most needs it. One euro may not seem much, but over time it all adds up!
    • Collaboration agreement with the Pupaclown, Hospital Clowns project. We support the magnificent work by the Pupaclown Foundation and share it with other groups working with children.
    • The Regional Blood Donation Centre organises two blood drives for internal and external company personnel.
    • Collaboration agreements with universities: University of Murcia, University of Granada, Technical University of Cartagena, University of Salamanca and University of Santiago de Compostela.
    • The Aguas de Murcia and University of Murcia chairs arose from the conviction that innovative projects needed support if sustainable development in both business and around the world was to be achieved. We have a CSR Chair and Water and Sustainability Chair.
    • Collaboration agreement with the Asociación Naturalista del Sureste (Southeast Naturalist Association, ANSE) to promote biodiversity, defining different possible educational and environmental actions and the reuse of abandoned facilities, among others.