Letter of commitments

We ensure the full satisfaction of our customers


Our purpose is to be recognized and distinguished for our unique commitment to the client. For this reason, and since the beginning, Aguas de Murcia business structure has been mostly oriented in achieving the highest efficiency in its day-to-day operations.

As an organization committed to excellence, Aguas de Murcia develops actions that contribute to improve the quality of life of the society we serve in. Specific measures that demonstrate the firm conviction of the organization to satisfy the needs of our customers.

In 2000, our effortto continuous improvement resulted in the development of the first letter of commitments. Commitments that we do fulfill.

Aguas de Murcia, aware of new challenges in customer experience, with a greater social involvement among vulnerable groups and the incorporation of new technologies in our processes, aims to expand the commitments by improving quality standards, in a new stage of service provision.

We perform effective follow-up and permanent monitoring of the commitments included and we will measure their degree of compliance. Based on them, Aguas de Murcia aims to promote the culture of quality and reinforce the services that it offers.

Quality and prestige, our hallmarks.


We established the following general conditions, applicable to each commitment which will complement the specific conditions stated for each of them:

  • If the customer believes they are entitled to compensation, due to a breach of any of these commitments, they must request itthrough the available contact channels of Emuasa, within a maximum period of one month from the date of the breach.
  • The compensation will preferably be made by deducting the amount from the next invoice issued or by credit/transfer to the client's bank account.
  • The commitment will only apply to holders of the supply contract.
  • No compensation will be made for any contracts that are involved in any file related to infringements described in Water and Sewerage Regulations.
  • The compensation for non-compliance with any commitment will not be applicable when the client is not up-to-date with the payment of their invoices up to the moment of the complaint or claim.
  • The client data (personal details, address, phone number, email, notification address, bank account number, etc.) must be updated before the date of the non-compliance request. Especially in cases where the commitment uses digital communications, it will be necessary to have an updated email and mobile phone at the moment when the non-compliance may have occurred.
  • For the purpose of calculating the applicable terms, Saturdays, Sundays, and national, regional, and local holidays are considered non-working or non-business days.
  • If the non-compliance with any of these commitments is due to causes beyond the company's control, it will not generate any economic compensation.
  • Aguas de Murcia acquires these CUSTOMER SERVICE COMMITMENTS in stable situations, and non-compliances that occur in exceptional situations due to causes not directly attributable to Aguas de Murcia, such as force majeure or unforeseen causes, will not be considered non-compliances.



    The company commits to carry out the installation of the meter within forty-eight hours from the formalization of the contract.

    In case of non-compliance with this commitment due to reasons attributable to the company, the customer will be compensated with fifteen euros (€15).


    • This commitment affects customers who have provided the required documentation and signed the contract.
    • 48 hours will be considered from the next day on which the contract is formalized, provided they are business days.
    • In the event that, as a result of a failed appointment, the agreed deadline is not met, the origin of the breach (company or client) will be taken into account to determine the right to compensation.
    • Those cases where installing the meter requires some type of work (previous or complementary), will be excluded.



    The company commits to respond to complaints and claims within a period not exceeding ten working days.

    In case of non-compliance with this commitment due to reasons attributable to the company, the customer will be compensated with fifteen euros (€15).


    • Claims for personal or material damages are excluded from this commitment.
    • The term 'response' will be understood as the reply given to the client with the resolution of the complaint or claim, regardless of whether it is in favour or against the applicant.
    • If the response does not resolve the complaint or claim for reasons beyond the control of the company, within the stipulated deadline, it will be considered answered.



    The company commits to communicate the excessive consumptions verified by our reading service, within 48 business hours following the periodic reading of the meter.

    In case of non-compliance with this commitment due to reasons attributable to the company, the customer will be compensated with fifteen euros (€15).


    • Consumption will be considered excessive starting from 25 m3 and when it exceeds the limit established in the following table:
    • The average consumption is obtained from the same period of the previous year and the average consumption of the last six readings without incidents.
    • Any contract that does not have at least six billing/reading periods will be excluded from the present commitment.
    • The term of 48 hours will be taking into account if the contract is not immersed in reading review.
    • Communication will preferably be carried out by email or SMS, and if this is not possible due to lack of these, a message will be included in the invoice informing about the excess consumption, in which case the stipulated time will not be counted.



    The company is committed to providing an initial response to the contact made by customers through the Client Area on Aguas de Murcia's website.

    In case of non-compliance with this commitment due to reasons attributable to the company, the customer will be compensated with fifteen euros (€15).


    • The term of 48 hours will be considered starting from the next day to customer application, as long as they are working days.
    • A response is understood as the reply given to the customer, not necessarily the resolution of it.
    • Those tasks that are dependent on additional actions for their resolution (such as facility inspections, requirements for documentation or data, etc.) will be excluded from this commitment.



    The company is commited to notify of a possible leak when continuous consumption is detected on the remote reading meter for three consecutive days.

    In case of non-compliance with this commitment due to reasons attributable to the company, the customer will be compensated with fifteen euros (€15).


    • These communications will only be carried out in cases where the meter is read remotely.
    • These communications are made to customers who have email or mobile phone and have activated and authorized this type of notifications.
    • Similarly, the level of readings received must be higher than 80% to ensure the quality of the records.



    The company commits to notify by email or SMS about any actions that involve a temporary suspension of supply due to planned works or breakdowns.

    In case of non-compliance with this commitment due to reasons attributable to the company, the customer will be compensated with fifteen euros (€15).


    • The customer must have provided an operational and up-to-date email account or mobile phone number.



    The company pledges that within a maximum of 10 working days from the date of the customer's request, the periods affected by a leak in the internal installation will be re-invoiced, in accordance with the rate published in BORM.

    In case of non-compliance with this commitment due to reasons attributable to the company, the customer will be compensated with fifteen euros (€15).


    • The customer must have requested our leakage rate and comply with the conditions that regulate it.



    The company commits to not suspending service due to non-payment for those customers who identify themselves, apply for, and benefit from the social tariff, during its validity.

    In case of non-compliance with this commitment due to reasons attributable to the company, the customer will be compensated with fifteen euros (€15).


    • The customer must comply with the requirements outlined in the Social Tariff regulation.



    The company will provide priority service, without needing a previous appointment, assisting elderly people or those with accessibility issues, at the customer service office in Plaza Circular.

    In case of non-compliance with this commitment due to reasons attributable to the company, the customer will be compensated with fifteen euros (€15).


    • This commitment to priority service and support applies upon identification of your senior status or when you verify accessibility issues.

    Also, in this area of seniors, the company acquires the following commitments that should favor a greater and better experience of this customer segment, with the aim of eliminating or in its case reducing the digital gap.

    • Incorporation into the Dialogue Table between Aguas de Murcia and its Interest Groups (Social Water Alliance) of a representation of the seniors of the municipality.
    • Have priority attention and accompaniment through the Call Center, after identification as a senior.
    • Improve the level of satisfaction in interactions with the company.
    • Maintain an annual plan of educational and informative actions for senior groups, through talks and workshops on subjects and topics of interest to them.
    • Clear and understandable language will be used in both oral and written communications.
    • Digital customer service channels have been adapted for seniors and/or those with reduced mobility through video calls.
    • We have simplified 100% of the administrative procedures for special pensioner rate applications, eliminating the need to travel to Aguas de Murcia offices. This has been achieved through an agreement with the Honorable City Council to transfer information regarding customers entitled to a zero fee for garbage collection.
    • Specialized training for all Customer Service staff. We are committed to keeping our staff trained.



    The company will carry out water connections or restorations and sewer connections within a maximum period of 20 business days, in cases of new supplies.

    In the event of non-compliance with this commitment due to reasons attributable to the company, the customer will be compensated with fifteen euros (€15) per day, up to a maximum of one hundred and fifty euros (€150).


    • A period of 20 business days will be considered following the payment of the connections and the obtaining of the permits or the client's provision of them.
    • It must have been discussed and authorized in the weekly coordination meeting with municipal services (police, etc.).
    • Those cases where they have to be postponed due to the customer's interest will not be taken into account.
    • It will not apply if any unforeseen event arises during the performance, which complicates or halts the performance.
    • Those links-up included in action plans, general urban developments or similar will not be included in this commitment.



    The company is committed to restoring the water service in case of a breakdown in the distribution network and connections that fall under municipal jurisdiction, within a maximum of 8 hours.

    In the event of a breach of this agreement due to reasons attributable to the company, the customer will be compensated with fifteen euros (€15) for each additional hour, up to a maximum of thirty euros (€30).


    • The term of 8 hours will be calculated once the fault is identified and the supply cut off.
    • Cases will not be considered where, due to lack of material availability or other reasons of force majeure, not attributable to the company.
    • Cases of scheduled outages due to network improvement and network expansions will also not be taken into consideration.
Aguas de Murcia, acquire these customer service commitments in stable situations, and situations that occur in exceptional circumstances due to causes not directly attributable to Aguas de Murcia, such as cases of force majeure or unforeseen causes, will not be considered breaches of them.