Water Facts

Water Facts

Sustainability, decarbonization, and circular economy are concepts that have already resonated with both citizens and businesses. Nowadays, resource depletion and climate change are a reality and therefore pose global challenges, but they must begin to be addressed at a local level, with ACTIONS. That's why at Aguas de Murcia, we wanted to be part of these solutions.

We believe that in our municipality, a circular economy and the transformation of the water cycle should be a reality to improve and advance our quality of life..

The campaign WATER FACTS we aim to make all this reality possible. Around three main pillars, such as water, waste, and sustainability, we intend to take action to:

  • Manage the city's water in a sustainable way and adjust the quality of resources to the use they are intended for.

  • Taking care of natural spaces, as well as the courtyards and gardens of our city, by increasing their resilience to climate change and ensuring appropriate sustainable water resources for each use. ​

  • Generate and manage data associated with the urban environment (consumption control, weather alerts...)

  • Minimize the use of resources and the generation of construction waste, through the use of trenchless technologies, R&D projects, etc.

With an investment of over 11 million euros, we have carried out a total of 70 actions, 6 of them in districts, including:

  • The Recovery, Transformation, and Resilience Plan with the Strategic Project for Economic Recovery and Transformation for the Digitalization of the Water Cycle.

  • The extraction of groundwater and reuse of regenerated water from the Murcia East WWTP together with the development of the Urban Irrigation Network (RUR) Master Plan will allow the watering of existing and future parks and gardens in the municipality.

  • Achieving an 84.5% Hydraulic Technical Efficiency, resulting in a very significant water savings. With this, we have positioned ourselves in one of the municipalities where the volume of water supplied per inhabitant per day is one of the lowest in the country.

We believe that without facts there is no change, and for this reason, we will continue working to improve the water cycle in our municipality.

  • Turning Murcia into a circular and sustainable municipality. That's the challenge. But a challenge is not achieved with words. It's achieved with actions. Necessary actions. Like supplying water to almost half a million people throughout the municipality of Murcia and its districts. People like you. And her. And him. And them! Managing a municipality larger than Madrid or Barcelona and maintaining strict control to ensure water quality at all times for everyone. Actions that propel us into the future, like the complete digitalization of the network to improve its management, detect leaks and incidents, the application of trenchless technology, which generates less noise and less waste and a global investment plan to continue improving the network. Actions that save resources, like the recirculation of water for the irrigation of green areas, the agricultural reuse of one hundred percent of the sludge recovered at the purification facilities, or the commitment to clean energy and the biogas recovery project, which have allowed for energy self-sufficiency of more than thirty percent and which continues to increase. Actions that make us an active part of the recovery of the Segura River. Our greatest environmental resource! Improving river drainage to ensure its effectiveness against rain and runoff. Actively involving ourselves in the recovery of its banks, promoting native flora, watching and protecting our fauna. But above all, returning clean water to its course at the end of the process to maintain its ecological balance. Because to turn Murcia into a circular and sustainable municipality, we propose water actions.