Water reuse

Treated water can be reused

Reusable by-products


The degree of water reuse and recycling is a sign of the organisation’s efficiency in meeting water supply management goals and ensuring correct environmental management.

Aguas de Murcia makes a constant effort to increase this volume of reusable water and ensure it is returned to the natural environment in the best condition possible for new uses.

Treated water can be reused for other purposes: agriculture, environmental, recreation and urban uses. The Aguas de Murcia WWTPs allowed the reuse of 4.558.808 m3/year in 2023.

  • Water reuse

    Awareness of water as a scarce resource has changed the general approach to wastewater treatment. The aim is no longer just to provide basic water treatment before returning it to the natural waterways, but to use the water directly for other purposes. This new approach requires treatments that improve the quality of treated water.

  • Sludge reuse

    All the sludge produced is reused. Half is directly applied in agriculture and the other half is used for composting.

  • Biogas

    • Cogeneration

      In 2014, Aguas de Murcia implemented an energy cogeneration system at the Murcia Este wastewater treatment plant. The installation automates an energy cogeneration system using biogas produced by the plant’s sludge digestion process.
      This plant is now working at full capacity, providing around 50% of energy requirements and 100% of heat requirements.
    • Biomethane supply point

      The biomethane produced at the plant is used as fuel for the fleet of vehicles.

Cogeneration plant
