

Digitization as a driver of change

Technology in the service of people


Aguas de Murcia, within its strategic plan, develops Operational Digitization projects with three main objective.

  • Improve the margin of response to the citizen regarding any incident or procedure.

  • Ensure the sustainable mobility of its employees in their daily work, minimizing transit times and reducing the impact of its activities on the environment.

  • Increase the resilience of the supply and sanitation system through the application of predictive systems.

The strategic objective: better activity management.

The coming years will be decisive in the development of mobility tools, which will allow the operators at Aguas de Murcia to fully manage their tasks. Examples of this will be:

  • Tasks in real time: Mobile devices will become ‘portable offices’ in order to perform tasks in real time, providing as much information as possible and reducing management times. This management is already applied in the Contraparada Purifier and Water Treatment Plants.

  • Prediction of breakdowns and incidents: in the operation of the supply and sanitation network, allowing corrective tasks to be properly planned to minimize the impact on citizens and public roads.